HomeBlogHow To Design Most Effective Social-Media Posts How To Design Most Effective Social-Media Posts

How To Design Most Effective Social-Media Posts
Some of the frequent questions that pop up in every content marketer’s head are:
- How to create the most engaging posts?
- How to get more people on my social pages?
- How to get more people into my post?
It’s no mystery that social media has obtained a crucial part in our business. Social media is considered as one of the most powerful tools that has the potential to uplift any business platform. But, simply creating a page and throwing it in the internet will not do the trick. Imagine, you are creating daily posts and including stuffs that are hot and trendy. Still your social pages tend to remain in the bottom of the scale.
Most tend to follow what their niches are doing. But, while doing so they miss out the basic plots that can make a big difference. Today, we will look upon some of the major social media platforms and overlook the process of crafting an ideal post in each one of them.
- Facebook: If we look upon the current scenario, we can clearly assume that when it comes to audiences Facebook has the lion’s share. With Facebook there is a great opportunity to enhance your business and give it a platform that you’ve always dreamt of. But for this you’ll need to make your posts engaging, powerful and attractive.
So, how do you do it?
Let’s look into some of facts that are to be considered while designing an ideal Facebook post.
- Informative: No matter how good your post looks, if it’s not informative its trash. Remember most of your audiences appeal posts that are informative. So, offer something in every post and if possible design them by acknowledging your customers perspective.
- Include Graphics: Images are the first thing that catches the eye of your audiences. Whenever you post certain content make sure to feature an image that gels pretty well with the featured text. It’s best to feature images that are higher than 800*600 in size. Plus, optimize the image for mobile devices as well. Because more than 70 percent of your total audiences will view your posts through mobile devices.
- Include a link: While including a link bit.ly it before putting it into action. Researchers state that shorter links receive more engagement. Besides that, with bit.ly you can also track the number of clicks your link received through Facebook.
- Consider Major Engagement Hours: If you are posting only in your office hours then consider yourself doomed. I was just kidding; there is always a solution to every problem. Have you guys heard of Facebook Scheduler? I hope most of you guys have. By this tool you can automate your posts in Facebook in your absence. So, do a bit of research and seek out the best time when majority of your audiences are there in Facebook and schedule your posts accordingly.
- Address your Customers: Whenever your customers comment on a certain posts make sure to reply them with a justified answer. Offer solution to their problems and answer every query. By doing so, you can build a better relationship with your clients and business niches.
- Twitter: When it comes to large number of audiences, after Facebook its Twitter. But while posting on twitter, most of make only one consideration – we should not exceed more than 140 characters. Besides, that there are bunch of things that you need to look into.
- Call to Action: Provide a proper vision to your audiences about your CTA. By doing so, you can clearly let your readers know about the purpose of your post.
- Punctuation: While posting in twitter it’s essential to create short and sweet posts but don’t do it by incorporating grammatical errors. Plus, don’t use abbreviations and all caps lock text because it spoils your image as a brand in front of other corporate houses.
- Include Short URL: As tweeter posts are limited it’s always essential to reduce everything to minimum. And as I have mention earlier, you can always create an abbreviation of your URL address using bit.ly.
- Format: The format of Twitter posts should be limited, informative and to the point. However, you can feature questions, facts and excerpts to drive in engagement and increase the number of retweets.
- Retweets: If you want to drive engagement in Twitter, it’s essential to retweet relevant contents. But when you do it, don’t forget to leave twenty characters free. By doing so, you will allow your audience to add a comment on your tweets.
- Pinterest: Considered as one of the most popular social media channel, Pinterest over the years has developed an outstanding image for itself. Unlike Facebook and Twitter, Pinterest is more of a more image oriented site. Here you’ll have to provide best images to get the best out of the site. And for this, you’ll need to considerate following facts.
- Feature Images with no faces: According to a research, pins with a human face receive 23% less engagement compared to one without.
- Compress Background: While featuring a particular product make sure that the background doesn’t take more than 40% of your image. If you do so your repins might decline by 50%.
- Focus on Red: In Pinterest it’s the color red that grabs all the attention. According to stats, pictures with color red or orange get 2 times more repins than the ones without.
- Light and Saturation: While using Pinterest it’s best to learn some Photoshop skills. In this social channel edited images stand a notch above normal ones and are capable of driving maximum engagement. Images with 40% saturation receive 4X times more repins, and black and white images receive 10X times more repins.
- Portrait Style: In Pinterest it’s the vertical image that draws the attention and has competitive advantage over the horizontal ones. The perfect ratios for Pinterest images are 2:3 and 4:5.
- Google Plus: Though Google has significantly less number of audiences, it’s quite viable to invest your time in this social platform. Unlike Facebook and Twitter, most G+ users are business oriented. This social platform offers a massive opportunity to bag in some real connection and target audiences.
- Tag People and Brand: Whenever necessary don’t hesitate to tag brands and people. Soon as you tag them they’ll receive a notification and possibly engage in the post.
- Consider Hot and Trendy Topics: In G+ its best to stick with hot and trendy topics. By doing so, you will convince your audiences that you are keeping up with recent events. Plus, it will also help you to boost up your brand’s visibility.
- Incorporate Hashtags: In G+ hashtags plays an important role in enhancing your post’s reach. Also remember G+ automatically includes hashtags in hot and trending topics.
I hope that you’ve found this article interesting. Apply the facts that I’ve mentioned above and soon you’ll see your social media posts hitting the big time.
If you have more queries then please contact us at Pebble Infotech.