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HomeBlogHow to Get the Best Out of YouTube Ads

How to Get the Best Out of YouTube Ads


AdWords for video provides search marketers access to their target audiences with affluent contents.  With AdWords, marketers can create a massive impact even with limited resources. So without wasting more time let’s kick into the basics of true view and the importance of YouTube-specific contents.

Before we move further I want to highlight some YouTube stats.

  • YouTube is the largest search engine after Google.
  • More than 28 million users are engaged in YouTube every month.
  • YouTube occupies 66 percent reach of the internet.

YouTube has innumerable audience, very active and engaged. Because of the reason, YouTube is a top advertising platform for marketers.

The True View

YouTube is the largest selling point of AdWords for video, and we can easily state that YouTube videos can drive true audiences. With every ad views, you can grab the attention of real users who want to engage. Any opted-in views also add to the video’s view counts. YouTube also offers different options for the pre-video ad and ensures that your video is placed in front of a large user base. But, to get optimum results it’s best to invite your audiences rather than forcing them to engage in your contents. By doing so, you can build a positive feeling within your audiences and inspire them to convert in future.

YouTube Ad Types

In-Stream: This type of ad is pre-rolled before the original content is played. Users can skip the ad after five seconds of playback, but you’ll be charged if the video is played for more than 30 seconds.

In-Display: This type of ad is featured in YouTube’s search or in display. If the user clicks the ad you’ll have to pay a certain amount of money.

Create Right Contents

Both In-stream and In-display ads are great to grab your audience’s attention. And both of these ads are played in front of your audiences who have an interest in your contents. But, how can we get the users into our contents and inspire conversion? Firstly, it’s essential to create compelling contents and include humor, emotional and heartfelt elements. We all know how YouTube audiences are, and to deliver relevant contents we must understand their mindset. In YouTube, no one likes to see an overly promoted video of you bragging about your brand. Instead, you should create something that inspires your audiences to engage within the first five seconds. But make sure that your contents reach the right audiences because you don’t want to throw bags of money on extraneous audiences.

The AdWords for Video tool will have a record of the actions i.e. how many users liked, subscribed and clicked on your piece of content. Figure how the audiences who are into your video and pay less attention to users who have only clicked your video once. Measure the success of your videos and use targeting strategies to convert your audiences.

Remarketing Lists

There are various ways to design remarketing lists. But, in the initial stage, we must know our target audiences. Here are some easy tips for designing a remarketing list.

  • List out the audience who constantly visit your channel page.
  • UGroup of users who liked any video from your channel.
  • People who comment on your video.
  • Your subscriber’s list.
  • Users who share your video.

Here are a few ways we can utilize these lists to our advantage:

  • Approach the audiences who engage positively with your contents. Positive users will also help us drive in additional audiences.
  • Create a sequence and advertise your videos frequently to tell your brand’s story.
  • Exclude users with negative reactions. This way you can avoid ill feelings towards your brand.

Summing Up

AdWords for Video offers a swift route for marketers to reach target audiences. With right contents, you can easily enhance your visibility among your audiences and earn positive responses for your targeting campaigns. Also, measure the action of your audiences and collect as much data as possible. Take adequate actions to get your campaigns on track and enjoy the fruitful results.

At Pebble, we understand the importance of visual ads. We optimize every kind of visual ads and place them in front of your audiences. For a free consulting session contact us


April 4, 2016   Blog

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